About us

We are a Foundation focused on the research and development of the ancestral knowledge of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous culture of the northern highlands, through the visibility of the Bomba Instrument as a means of articulating different artistic, cultural and social manifestations, as well as encompassing knowledge.

Our History

The Afro-Ecuadorian Foundation for Research and Development of the Sierra Norte “FUNADISN”, was born from the Afro-Ecuadorian Cultural Association for Development and Research Humberto Padilla “ACADI-HP”, established in 2013; non-profit, thanks to the initiative of Mr. Jorge Raul Vilca Quilumba with the unconditional support of Mr. Juan Jose Homero Minda Arce and with the collaboration of Mrs. Maria Elena Arce, who were a fundamental pillar for the formation of the Afro-Ecuadorian Cultural Association for Development and Research Humberto Padilla “ACADI-HP”. Juan José Homero Minda Arce and with the collaboration of Mrs. María Elena Arce, who were a fundamental pillar for the formation of the Afro-Ecuadorian Cultural Association of Development and Research Humberto Padilla “ACADI-HP”, legally recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage on August 21, 2014, according to ministerial agreement No. 097-2014 and ratified with Nro. 002-2015; 

On November 20, 2019 in session with the members of the Afro-Ecuadorian Cultural Association of Development and Research Humberto Padilla “ACADI-HP”, took the decision to develop more fully climbing another step to safeguard the identity and enhance the work that has been developed to serve the Afro-Ecuadorian Ancestral Territory of the northern highlands and the community in general framing the rise of becoming Afro-Ecuadorian Foundation for Research and Development Sierra Norte “FUNADISN”,having as its main objective the research, development, protection and promotion of the Afro-Ecuadorian people of the northern highlands, considering culture as a fundamental identity value of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous people, which is approved by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage with Agreement No. MCYP-MCYP-20.
MCYP-MCYP-2022-0062-A, and so since 2013 has been developing research and development activities of the cultural heritage of Bomba, Music, Dance and Ancestral Knowledge in the territory of the provinces of Imbabura, Carchi and the Metropolitan District of Quito. for the early acceptance of our culture locally, nationally and internationally.

Since 2014

For the above, since 2014, contact is made with the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, requesting the incorporation into the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador “the Bomba Instrument, its Music, its Dance, its literature and its Ancestral Knowledge”, a request that was accepted by official letter No. 0571-DE-2014-INPC, which states the need to submit the “technical file” endorsed by the INPC and subject to the guidelines proposed in the “Methodological Guide for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador”. 0571-DE-2014-INPC; in which the need to present the “technical file” endorsed by the INPC and subject to the guidelines proposed in the “Methodological Guide for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage” is indicated, along with the advice of the technical staff of the INPC; PCI area, complying systematically with the Methodological Guide and achieving the achievement of several actions, with the support of the managers of the Ancestral Territory of the Chota Valley, Mira River Basin, Intag and Quito Metropolitan District, executing the different meetings, socialization and programming that will serve as safeguarding plans highlighting the following actions:


We work hand-in-hand with each community to address their specific needs and make a positive and lasting impact.

On November 20, 2019 in session with the members of the Afro-Ecuadorian Cultural Association of Development and Research Humberto Padilla “ACADI-HP”, took the decision to develop more fully climbing another step to safeguard the identity and enhance the work that has been developed to serve the Afro-Ecuadorian Ancestral Territory of the northern highlands and the community in general framing the rise of becoming Afro-Ecuadorian Foundation for Research and Development Sierra Norte “FUNADISN”,having as its main objective the research, development, protection and promotion of the Afro-Ecuadorian people of the northern highlands, considering culture as a fundamental identity value of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous people, which is approved by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage with Agreement No. MCYP-MCYP-20. MCYP-MCYP-2022-0062-A, and so since 2013 has been developing research and development activities of the cultural heritage of Bomba, Music, Dance and Ancestral Knowledge in the territory of the provinces of Imbabura, Carchi and the Metropolitan District of Quito. for the early acceptance of our culture locally, nationally and internationally.

Vision message for the future

Our vision allows us to focus the efforts of all its members in the same direction, in order to demonstrate that the Institution has its own identity and personality. In this way we project to reach people with a positive, attractive, encouraging and inspiring image capable of promoting, in each of the proposed projects, the sense of identification and commitment of all members of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous peoples of the Northern Highlands of Ecuador.
Our Vision is clear in stating: ‘To be an organization with national and international reference that contributes to the development of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous culture of the Northern Highlands of Ecuador.




Through innovative, sustainable and sustainable projects, considering the patrimonialization of the bomba instrument, music, dance and its encompassing knowledge, as well as the creation of the institute of ancestral knowledge of the northern highlands, as a platform for research and dissemination of culture that will achieve the socioeconomic, cultural and social development of our Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous peoples.


We are a Foundation focused on the research and development of the ancestral knowledge of the Afro-Ecuadorian and indigenous culture of the northern highlands, through the visibility of the Bomba Instrument as a means of articulating different artistic, cultural and social manifestations, as well as encompassing knowledge.


Chillogallo: Barrió Dos de Febrero, calle: S39-A. Quito – Ecuador
Alpachaca: Calle Fernandina y Zumba esquina. Ibarra-Ecuador / E- mail: fundacionsierranorte@gmail.com / Phone: 0967626223 – 0962909873

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